Xorta Warehousing in Holland is a state-of-the-art bonded warehousing and logistics hub, which allows us to create mixed containers and distribute to smaller markets in a cost effective way, which our in-market distributors prefer.
Consolidating containers under bond in Europe gives us greater control of the products, prevents shrinkage, and results in overall lower costs.
We make sure there is enough space to accept unexpected production overruns, or market slow-downs without impacting forecasts.
The Xorta warehouse facility spans 8,000 square metres, of which 5,000 metres are bonded and 3,000 are non-bonded, allowing us to be flexible to a range of goods.


Xorta Warehousing BV has had a small upgrade and now includes rack storage, vastly increasing storage space and efficiency.

The Xorta distribution network has warehousing facilities owned by our subsidiaries, which can hold stock before it is released to retail and trade.
If atmospheric control is required, refrigerated vehicles and storage options are available in all markets to ensure the products are kept at their best.